No matter what time of year it is, energy efficiency is an essential part of saving money on your bills and doing what’s right for the planet. Getting kids on board, however, can seem tricky. Learn how to get your kids involved with saving energy in your Moncks Corner, South Carolina, home.
Add Filter Changes to List of Chores
If you’re like most parents, your kids have a list of chores that they’re responsible for. You can add changing the filter in your furnace to that list of chores. This is a very easy task that will get them into a good habit that has several benefits, from lower costs to improved air quality and more.
Get Them Familiar with the Thermostat
Kids may want to control the temperature and fight with each other to set your thermostat. Explain how the thermostat works to your kids, and why it’s important to manage it properly. Show them how it works. Show them the difference in utility bills that just a couple of degrees’ difference can make.
Show Them the Benefits
Show your kids your utility bills and let them see how one or two degrees makes a difference. Show them online articles about how proper care of your system reduces utility bills, lowers your carbon footprint, and helps the system last longer and work efficiently.
Consider Contests and Rewards
Positive reinforcement is a proven method of getting kids on board with good behavior. Give them rewards for remembering to shut off the lights in a room or when they unplug appliances or phone chargers. Giving them a few extra bucks for their allowance gives them an incentive to take an active role in conserving energy.
Keeping up with preventive maintenance is key to saving on energy costs. To schedule your next maintenance visit, give Coastal Air Solutions a call today.
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